

the sickies and a new groove

perhaps I should have held my tongue just a bit before declaring the three of us in the clear of that stomach bug last week.  not in the clear, actually, as it turns out.  I spent our last day up north in bed drinking peppermint tea and alka seltzer and reading The House at Tyneford with a trash can very nearby just in case.  at least the book was pretty great.  my dear housemates held out until a few hours after we got home on New Years Day (night).  we both stayed home from work the following two days and we all three drank tea and ate fun things like rice and toast and crackers while we spent a lot of time parked on the couch under blankets watching movies.  would have been a really fun time, actually, had there not been the frequent bathroom trips and such.

and so, there's our start to the new year~  I'm betting it'll be on the up and up from here on in.  I'm looking forward to getting back into the groove, maybe even finding a slightly different groove to get into.....  like, just maybe, the groove of a morning person who goes hiking more frequently and has dinner cooking (or cooked) before going to work so as to make the hours after work a bit easier.  someone who is highly organized and able to toss/pass on/freecycle/whatever many of her possessions without getting too sentimental.... who calls/writes/sees her friends more often instead of just knowing what they are up to because I (oops, I meant "she") read a blurb about them on some form of social media.  Yeah, a groove like that.

so welcome, two thousand and thirteen.  may you be full of sweet surprises, peaceful happenings, and loads of good health and love.

here's to the new year and all of the possibilities that (always, really) await.


  1. so sorry you were all ill, again. I hate being sick. I read that book and I really did enjoy it and I wasn't nauseous!! May 2013 be a healthy year to you and your family!

    1. ugh, me too. and thanks. we are all good now and I love that post-sickness burst of energy. LOVED the book, really. Can't wait for the new season of Downton Abbey to start. Happy 2013 to you and yours as well~


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